In the true spirit of saying ‘PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE’, We have designed a program to take a stock of your health. With early identification of health problems.Extensive research all over the world has proved that it is more economic to invest in preventive healthcare than seeking medical assistance when health complications present themselves
Our Primary Health Screening
- Complete Blood Count with ESR
- Blood Grouping & Rh Typing
- Fasting & Post Prandial Blood Sugar
- Renal Function Test
- Liver Function Test
- General Physician Consultation
Prime Executive Health Check
- Blood Sugar - Fasting
- Blood Sugar - POost Prandial
- Liver Funtion Test
- Lipid Profile
- Pulmonary Function Test
- Thyroid Stimulating Harmone (TSH)
- Kidney Function Test - Blood Urea Nitrogen,Serum Creatinine
- Complete Haemogram
- Chest X-Ray
Prime Silver Health Check
- Blood Sugar - Fasting
- Blood Sugar - POost Prandial
- Liver Funtion Test
- Lipid Profile
- Eye Screening
- Diest Counselling
- Consultation By Opthalmologist
- Consultation By Physician / Diabetologist
Prime Little Champs Health Check
- Blood Sugar - Random
- Complete Haemogram
- Blood Grouping & Rh Typing
- Stool Routine
- Urine Analysis
- Consultation With Dentist
- Eye Checkup
- Consultation With Pediatrician
- Dietician Consultation
Questions to ask your doctor
- Is this normal?
- Do I need any additional screenings or tests?
- Do I need to see a specialist?
- Do I need any immunizations?
- Are my prescriptions still OK?
- What can I do to stay healthy in the future?
- When should I come back for another visit?